
Monday, September 6, 2010

How to Shampoo Just the Roots and Scalp (Scalp Wash)

Many people refer to this as a "scalp wash" or "scalp only wash".  Scalp washing is a great way to get the oily/dirty part of your hair clean without unnecessarily drying out the rest of your hair with shampoo.  There is more than one way to do it, depending on hair length and whether you want the rest of your hair to get wet or not.

Dry Hair Method

This method starts with dry hair.  It is my favorite method because I find it easiest to control shampoo when it goes on dry hair.  Squirt a little shampoo into the palm of your hand.  Rub it evenly between both hands.  Place your fingertips at your hairline and gentle run your fingers along your scalp toward the back of your head, leaving a little shampoo behind along the way.  Repeat this just above your ears and then again at the nape.  Lift the top section of your hair and run one shampooed hand down your hair along the back, trying to squeegee it through.  If your hair is very thick, you may have to make one more part.

Rub your hands together and then start massaging your scalp.  This will get your scalp nice and scrubbed while keeping massaging the shampoo through your roots.  It will actually come to a slight foamy lather without water, especially if your hair is very oily.  Now, if your hair is very long and you don't want to get the rest of it wet.  Rinse your hands and dry them off.  Gather the ends of your hair and lift them up so the shampoo and water will not run down your length when you rinse it out.  I would suggest the dish rinser in the sink or your shower head if it is the detachable kind.  If you are not worried about your hair getting wet and not worried about a little shampoo running down your length (or if your hair is short) just get in the shower and try to rinse it all out as quickly as possible.  I suggest following any shampooing with conditioner, oil, or some type of leave in.

Awesome Tip of the Day:  The Dry Hair Method also helps save water in the shower because you are not wasting time applying shampoo and lathering while the water is needlessly running down the drain.

Wet Hair Method

Many people find that putting shampoo and a little water inside a squirt bottle is a good way to get the shampoo only where you want it while in the shower.  This is also a good way to dilute any cheap shampoo so that it is less harsh on your hair.

Gently squirt the shampoo solution onto the roots and scalp, lather, and rinse.  As above, I suggest some kind of moisturizing conditioner or oil after any shampooing.

For more information on hair care and hair cutting, please see the Hair section of the Table of Contents page.  While you're there, check out the variety of other topics addressed on this blog.